Am avut un chef nebun de a-mi imbunatati blogul, mi se parea ff adormit in ultima vreme. Asa ca i-am cerut ajutorul genialei Dani Buda (facebook page here) pentru niste poze, care sa mai adauge putina culoare blogului. Trebuie sa recunosc faptul ca am avut emotii, deoarece n-am mai "pozat" niciodata, motiv pentru care Dani a fost mai mult ca sigur exasperata de intrebarile mele: "Asa sa tin mana?", "E ok pozitia asta?", "Nu arat ciudat?" si asa mai departe.
Tinuta din poze e casual, e in genul celor care le port zi de zi, la scoala, foarte confortabila si in culori neutre, care sa se potriveasca, de exemplu, uniformei noastre.
Asta a fost doar asa, o idee... Ce ziceti, sa mai continui?
I was in the mood for a blog makeover, because i thought it was a little dull lately. So I asked the brilliant Dani Buda (facebook page here) to help me by taking me a few photos who would bring a little colour to the blog. I must admit, I was very nervous, because I`ve never posed before, and that`s why I`ve annoyed Dani with all these questions: "Should I hold my hand like this?", "Is this pose ok?", "Don`t I look funny?" and so on.
The outfit in these photos is casual, kind of the outfit I usually wear at school, very confortable and in neutral colours which match, for example, my school uniforme.
So this has been just an idea.. What do you say, should I continue?
uita-te la eaaa ce frumoasa e :*:*:* sunt mega tari pozele, sa-ti mai faci !! si zambetul tau face victime, i'm telling you :">
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc mult, hon`!:*:*
ȘtergereOau.sunt superbe trebui sa postezi mai des;)